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Mozilla Firefox 3 Released


Fuzz's picture


Hashy’s picture
On June 18th, 2008 – 00:12 Hashy says:





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Grab it from here:
Fuzz’s picture
On June 18th, 2008 – 08:35 Fuzz says:

Grab it from here:

Something to do with an attempt at reaching the most downloads of anything in a day. Impressively it took me an hour to grab it at home this morning. Took 9 seconds to grab it from work – looks like the congestions a little lower now.

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Fuzz’s picture
On June 18th, 2008 – 16:34 Fuzz says:

Download day is going well.

3,909,302 downloads as at 3:29. Think it started at about 3am our time, so it’s about halfway.

Of which:
Australia: 66,428
NZ: 12,475
US: 1,689,418
Canada: 152,473
Mexico: 62,376
China: 90,622 (of which 89,000 were downloaded from the Pirate Bay… China will you ever learn. It’s free!)
Madagascar: 53

But the most disappointing is:

Svalbard and Jay Mayen: 0!

I’m putting the call out to all the Svalbardian’s! Download Firefox 3!!! Now!! You don’t want to be listed in the Guiness book of records for one of the only countries to not download firefox on download day!!

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I got it;
HarassmentPanda’s picture
On June 27th, 2008 – 22:23 HarassmentPanda says:

brilliant as always

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Yup its been almost 2 weeks
Hashy’s picture
On June 30th, 2008 – 15:45 Hashy says:

Yup its been almost 2 weeks since release… Firefox 3 going just fine for me..



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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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